SJ3 GP RO ROSA C580-8 1.2 WATT C287-12 GR LINK B,2.0,470 97 MODEL YEAR 85 LAND ROVER Car Manuals PDF & Wiring Diagrams above the page - Defender, Discovery, R380; Land Rover EWDs. P } Power Distribution C048-7 C048-2 C285-18 C538-2 B RELAYHEADLAMP (R123) Land Rover Defender Electric Wiring Diagrams (LHD) Land Rover Defender 90-110 Workshop Service Repair Manual PDF_5d8a7fb3073c06a88436762. WY B WO E C448-5 C162-5 A25 CODE COLOUR C032-25 R C285-17 W C511-1 C395-2 C983-1 defender 90 xs one touch electric windows. 30 AMP 47.1 LAMP-DIRECTION RELAY-DAYLIGHT 1.2 WATT WO C287-13 GR B,0.5,210 C286-16 BY,0.5,330 POS2-AUX N SWITCH-IGNITION (S178) 13.5 VOLTS C448-8 C162-8 1 C219-1 C033-1 TRAILER PICK UP (P124) FIXINGS (E108) C287-16 EARTHED VIA JOINT (K109) C092-6 N Components C378-2 C392-2 C580-6 86 LAMP-SIDE REPEATERFRONT-RH (A120) C401-3 LGS - Light Green with a 30 20 AMP N B 5 WATT C278-2 FUSE 17 B,0.5,90 4. This circuit and wiring diagram: 2002 land rover defender wiring diagram has been viewed 3903 times which last viewed at 2021-01-01 09:58:00 and has been downloaded 21 times which last downloaded at 2016-06-03 10:25:21 revealed by London on 15 Mar, 2014. N C001-2 MOTOR-WIPERWINDSCREEN (M105) C061-16 C580-15 IN2 (EGR) SWITCH-WASH/WIPEREAR SCREEN (S118) (NON EGR) A51 WB UNIT-TIMERENGINE SERVICE (D151) 1.2 WATT ECU-EGR (D153) DEFENDER 13.5 VOLTS (E107) B PU 4 The circuit diagrams are presented with Power and Earth 13.5 VOLTS C316-1 C747-1 C802-1 WARNING LAMPGLOW PLUG (J119) C580-31 86 C580-3 Can Am Defender Wiring Diagram– wiring diagram is a simplified usual pictorial representation of an electrical circuit.It shows the components of the circuit as simplified shapes, and the capability and signal connections C355-1 C92211 C040-8 B NY These are used in a similar manner to those in A39 C083-1 C231-1 Thanks GP U C841-1 FIXING (E108) 97 MODEL YEAR N C041-1 P A41 WARNING-REAR-RH (A116) C230-3 C062-1 C543-2 G,1.5,580 How to read a wiring diagram. A94 C285-2 G INTERIOR ILLUMINATION HAZARD WARNINGFRONT-RH (A116) FUSE 14 WR C278-3 20 AMPS 85 C285-1 POS4-CRANK C287-17 C057-11 A38 C287-17 C580-16 WB A15 WARNING (S121) WARNING LAMP-ENGINE C556 G GAUGE FUEL (J104) A226 60 AMP REAR SCREEN (J146) CODES DES COULEURS DES FILS Made in the UK by Will and his two Defenders' insatiable appetite for parts. C455-1 section outlining the way in which internal harness splices and CLOCK-ANALOGUE (J107) FUSE 18 HEADER JOINT 285 WARNING LAMPDIFFERENTIAL LOCK (J144) RB FIXINGS (E108) RW 87 U C907-2 N HEADER C124-85 G GU C061-3 WB C766-3 C355-3 C266-1 BATTERY (P100) INSTRUMENT PACK (J100) C285-8 1 HEADER JOINT (K109) LINK 3 FUSE BOX-ENGINE COMPARTMENT (P108) 3. C580-20 C062-13 C139-1 21 WATT (E107) RW G C5 5 6 C011-1 (A104) US should have all the diagrams and contents if you enter the product numbers and see if you are missing something. EARTH C448-5 C162-5 PW Defender Td5 Manual (1.2 mb) 200Tdi Discovery Engine into Land Rover Defender (5,2 mb) 300Tdi overhaul manual Land Rover (1.6 mb) 200Tdi Timing Bel Interval (0.8 mb) Tuning Tdi fuel pump Land Rover (0.4 mb) Defender MY2002 wiring diagram (4.2 mb) Land Rover 2009 Dimensions (sizes etc.) C316-3 C747-3 DEFENDER SJ3 87A B,1.0,120 ALTERNATOR/GENERATOR (M100) DIODE (G126) PU C815-1 B wire during harness repair. ENGINE CONTROL MODULE (ECM) (D131) RELAYILLUMINATION (R124) HOLDER-FUSE (P110) WN,0.5,1050 (S247) POS2-AUX C030-1 B,1.5,235 WN PU,0.5,955 UW C810-1 B B C964-86 C201-3 C331-3 C914-3 P C233-9 A14 C317-2 S A SPEEDOMETER (J101) C580-3 P C863-5 G C189-6 BY All wiring must conform to wiring diagram on the motor nameplate or on the back of the terminal cover. A92 7.5 AMPS VERDE CLARO U C285-3 WY C941-2 FIXINGS (E108) RB 97 MODEL YEAR C925-1 P C233-2 B 20 AMP HRW 7.5 AMPS PU,1.0,4300 WB C287-3 NOT USED (V101) W C288-8 W C907-1 C580-22 RB,1.0,440 A57 N G SWITCH-WIPERREAR (S116) 60 AMP C580-3 G B Land Rover Defender Td5 Wiring Diagram Circuit and Wiring Diagram Download for Automotive, Car, Motorcycle, Truck, Audio, Radio, Electronic Devices, Home and House Appliances published on 17 Mar, 2014. B REAR SCREEN (J146) IN1 1.4 A41 LINK 2 C233-2 B B C402-2 C091-1 C098-7 A61 } A94 C189-4 B A210 B PACK (J100) C061-5 300 AMP B LINK 1 C089-1 B A41 The Land Rover brand dates back to 1948. FUSE 1 G,1.0,415 C009-1 DEFENDER B A17 C418-2 ENGINE CONTROL MODULE (ECM) (D131) C289-3 PICK UP (P124) LAMP-INTERIOR-FRONT (B100) C580-33 C225-2 C766-2 VERMELHO P RO C96-8 and Splices’tables. 0 ENGINE B,0.5,440 ELECTRICAL CIRCUIT DIAGRAMS DEFENDER 90-NAS 97 MODEL YEAR ©1996 Rover Group Limited Published by Rover Technical Communication ... Header and splice tables present the joint(s) and wiring up to the first component. FUSE 2 RW,0.5,570 B WR C036-7 Discuss. C580-30 N SWITCH-BRAKE FLUID LEVEL (S212) A38 PU C057-9 C098-4 A69 ECU-MULTI FUNCTION (D130) C404-3 N C287-13 + - C124-87 LAMP-DIRECTION INDICATOR/ 40.1 C183-1 A69 G,0.5,550 DEFENDER Land Rover Defender Puma Brochure. ALARM ECU (D111) B Defender 90 Td5 Wiring Diagram. The ground distribution section comprises a number of ‘Headers LAMP-TAIL-RH (A114) MOTOR-WIPER-REAR SCREEN (M106) RW,1.0,190 FUSE BOX-ENGINE A41 B A39 I'm a massive Land Rover fan. 3.1 A55 C179-1 FUSE BOX-PASSENGER 60 AMP MOTOR-BLOWER-FRONT (M132) number with a numbered suffix to indicate the pin-out detail of the EARTH VIA (S113) (S245) C185-1 C339-1 C008-2 3 A15 3 P Power Distribution; to narrow the search area by checking for fault Alarm sounder (without battery back-up) 7. G W PW C016-4 B RW + - N C316-2 C747-2 POS3-IGN 2A COMPARTMENT (P108) C288-3 Seems that some well mannered human being tried to steal it. UNIT-DIFFERENTIAL B RELAY-HEADLAMP (R123) N B,0.5,130 WP A55 1 POS3-IGN2A 87A SWITCH-FAST WIPE (S250) A69 C036-7 C580-34 G SR 1 AMP RELAY-DIM DIP (R126) A64 MARKER-FRONTLH (A133) SJ2 A226 C930-1 SWITCH-DOOR-LH (S128) C941-1 97 MODEL YEAR C907-2 GN 97 MODEL YEAR C094-1 W C580-23 20 AMP C052-1 WB C8 1 3 LG ECU-MULTI FUNCTION (D130) WR C287-2 N FUSE BOX-ENGINE COMPARTMENT (P108) C285-16 W C285-13 Land Rover Defender Td5 Wiring Diagram Circuit and Wiring Diagram Download for Automotive, Car, Motorcycle, Truck, Audio, Radio, Electronic Devices, Home and House Appliances published on 17 Mar, 2014. FUSE BOX-ENGINE COMPARTMENT (P108) HEADER JOINT (K109) CODE COULEUR Can-Am Defender Manuals Click HERE for FREE Can-Am part numbers and exploded views! B 13.5 VOLTS C404-1 C223-2 C332-2 WB WARNING LAMPOIL PRESSURE (J115) RB,1.0,1085 15 AMP EARTH VIA C511-1 C395-2 LINK 1 86 FUSE BOX-PASSENGER C287-10 A52 C092-3 B C038-1 W DEFENDER C906-1 N POWER DISTRIBUTION ©2018 Waterway Plastics 810-0061.0618 2200 East Sturgis Road, Oxnard CA 93030 • Phone 805 HEADER JOINT (K109) R GN JOINT (K109) C230-4 SWITCH-COLUMN (S123) F (NON AIRCON) 97 MODEL YEAR 5 WATT TEMPERATURE (ECT) (J111) C285-7 SJ1 R OLG C282-85 HEADER RS,0.5,1395 C036-8 C580-24 C392-4 C378-4 A142 97 MODEL YEAR CODICI COLORI DEI CAVI C826-2 HEADER JOINT (K109) DEFENDER POS3-IGN 2A BR,0.5,240 N C286-13 GW,1.5,390 C907-2 N C013-2 B C632-1 C331-2 C914-2 N A185 B C915-87A EARTH VIA DETECTION (D135) PW FIXINGS (E108) PU C624-2 C276-2 The site costs me over $1,000 per month keep online and is totally reliant B WO This identification is shown RADIO/CASSETTE PLAYER (F100) 0 Wiring diagram 1994 defender 200tdi. 30 HEADLAMP-MAIN BEAM-LH (A105) HEADERS COMPARTMENT (P101) VERT GIALLO A93 C768-3 C355-3 Come join the discussion about performance, overland, classifieds, modifications, troubleshooting, maintenance, and more! C923-1 S 7.5 AMPS C510-2 C394-3 SWITCH-COLUMN (S123) C580-1 Land rover defender wiper motor wiring diagramharley dual plug wiring diagrams xterra fuse box diagram zapper bug wiring diagram foton tractor wiring diagram carvin bass wiring diagram viper 5501 remote starter wiring diagram fuse box in 2000 buick lesabre gm hei ignition module wiring diagram A214 60 AMP WN,0.5,955 C039-87 P C028-1 P 1 97 MODEL YEAR DEFENDER C009-2 UNIT-TIMERENGINE SERVICE (D151) N (A103) 1 LAMP-INTERIOR-FRONT (B100) A24 PUMP-WASHER-REAR SCREEN (M154) INTERIOR LAMPS C928-1 ECU-DELAYWINDSCREEN WIPER (D113) B C033-1 SCHWARZ WARNING-REAR-LH (A119) (SAUDI) (B148) B hi if you still have wiring i need help all dash gauges 7lights not working have checked all fuse email thanks nitelite 1996 defender 300 … WB GAUGE-COOLANT TEMPERATURE (J103) W B R C002-1 B FUSE BOX-ENGINE COMPARTMENT (P108) C766-2 C355-2 C947-8 A53 C036-5 A65 GN C027-2 NOT USED (V101) 2B P C030-1 B B VERDE RW SWITCH-FOG GUARD LAMP-REAR (S111) GW G 1 C563-1 C405-1 13.5 VOLTS A6 DEFENDER C407-1 Y LICHTGROEN C036-2 SENDER UNITFUEL GAUGE (J111) C061-9 OU C092-4 C455-2 RELAY-DIM DIP (R126) C580-10 15 AMP TEMPERATURE (J103) C287-15 ECU-EGR (D153) HEADER JOINTEARTH (K108) BLAUW Defender 200 & 300Tdi - V8 - NAS 300Tdi wiring diagrams. MARKER-REARLH (135) WARNING LAMPDIRECTION INDICATOR-RH (J127) A102 B N CÓDlGO C O R C562-1 B 60 AMP AIRCON FUSE 7 SCREEN (S114) P B AMPLIFIERRADIO/CASSETTE (F111) C287-15 RLG 1 AMP C632-1 2B A230 B C580-9 N C151-87 B A122 INSTRUMENT ROUGE MARRON GW C478-1 C286-10 GR,0.5,885 MOTOR-WIPER-REAR RO C318-1 Are Defender chassis VIN numbers incremental? B,1.0,240 RELAY-SOUNDERALARM (R200) 2 C448-2 C162-2 GU INSTRUMENT PACK (J100) 0 A174 C151-85 P C331-3 C914-3 GAUGE-FUEL (J104) C287-15 B S C230-4 C285-20 RW,1.0,290 B Nothing to do with the company whatsoever. G,1.0,280 C233-9 SWITCH-COLUMN (S123) A57 C285-18 W PU C036-5 B WARNING LAMPTRAILER (J130) WG,0.5,70 C392-5 C378-5 ROSSO C036-1 C151-86 B,2.0,960 A94 HEADER JOINT (K109) C632-1 REAR SCREEN (R138) C580-6 C298-87A 2. 15 AMPS NOT USED (V101) B C287-5 C538-1 RELAY-HAZARD COMPARTMENT (P108) TACHOMETER (J102) C490-1 C075-1 1 AMP C376-3 C390-3 C285-4 A38 SWITCH-HAZARD 1 21 WATT distribution first, followed by individual circuits for each electrical Discover (and save!) SWITCH-HAZARD U I would suggest that you ask your dealer to give you a copy of the wiring diagram for your Defender Max basic unit. A37 C632-1 B 20 AMPS B LG RELAY-HEADLAMP (R123) It was bought by farmers, rescue and repair services, the army, and by 1959 more than a quarter of a million cars of this model were already produced. your own Pins on Pinterest HEADER C287-1 A122 the main colour is identified first, i.e. G Y YN B C376-4 C390-4 30 AMP N BW C230-3 BRUIN 1 C289-15 C240-1 B C947-7 C233-1 BLG B B JOINT (K109) C802-2 C185-1 C151-85 C285-17 C96-1 C282-30 B B LAMP-BRAKE-LH (A125) B COMPARTMENT (P101) B TACHOMETER (J102) PB 97 MODEL YEAR C032-34 RU C008-2 C287-15 B B INTERIOR LAMPS SWITCH-IGNITION (S176) A174 A274 C303-5 NLG A1 C028-1 A53 C094-1 C061-1 C286-14 GW,1.5,750 UW,2.0,905 (See shut-down relay wiring diagram for application details.) SJ2 C581-14 2 LOCK (D150) B C286-1 21 WATT C032-35 RB A54 W G FUSE 9 C580-22 C547-86 RB B FUSE BOX-ENGINE COMPARTMENT (P108) US FUSE BOX-ENGINE COMPARTMENT (P108) C580-39 SHORTING VERDE C054-1 C287-4 SWITCH-COLUMN (S123) MODULE-ULTRASONIC (D137) C390-6 C376-6 RB,1.0,1345 C410-2 C767-2 BN P W COMPARTMENT (P108) HEADER JOINT (K109) A277 FUSE 2 C287-20 C499-4 87A B C303-2 LGB A263 9. B C026-1 C094-1 W HAZARD WARNINGREAR-RH (A118) HEADER JOINT (K109) A55 SWITCH-BLOWER C96-3 RW,0.5,480 A55 WB FUSE BOX-PASSENGER COMPARTMENT (P101) C287-4 + - A52 FUSE BOX-PASSENGER COMPARTMENT (P101) RY N 13.5 VOLTS G W LG YN W 97 MODEL YEAR UR C118-2 NY BULB CHECK (SAUDI) (B147) G FUSE 6 Ensure wiring circuit agrees with diagram and leads are securely tight. ROSA POS4-CRANK PU STARTER INHIBITOR/REVERSE LIGHT (S210) FUSE 4 C926-1 UW C907-2 C287-19 B A94 BRAUN G LG 43.4 DIODE (G126) B W 1 C094-1 SWITCH-IGNITION (S176) C041-2 Before working on any electrical connections be sure that the power is turned off. C289-1 60 AMP ORANJE LINK 1 WG,0.5,445 2B B RESISTOR (G153) C580-4 Currently own a TD5 90. C044-86 SJ2 C356-1 SJ3 C958-30 FUSE BOX-PASSENGER COOLANT TEMPERATURE C556-1 C178-1 (HRW/RWW) N EARTH VIA G,1.0,4300 2 EARTH (E107) G B (H112) OS A44 Land Rover Defender Abs Wiring Diagram.Discussion in 'land rover' started by ohenry, oct 19, 2018. CLUTCH-COMPRESSORAIR CONDITIONING (A/C) (D149) G C037-1 A55 NLG C96-4 C287-2 NARANJA 2B B C935-2 C580-15 INDICATOR/HAZARD 2 (J100) ECU-MULTI FUNCTION (D130) ECU-MULTI FUNCTION (D130) C298-86 WN RB,1.0,1280 C287-1 C191-1 FUSE BOX-PASSENGER B J RW,1.0,260 LAND ROVER Car Manuals PDF & Wiring Diagrams above the page - Defender, Discovery, R380; Land Rover EWDs.. C289-10 C095-1 1.1 Car Stereo . PUMP-WASHER-WINDSCREEN (M153) B C965-2 Due to its reliability, Land Rover soon gained immense popularity. A45 ELECTRICAL. C632-1 C802-2 C357-1 RELAY-DIM DIP (R126) C357-1 C285-10 RB,1.0,290 SWITCH-IGNITION (S176) AMARILLO 1 AMP ECU-LAMP-FOG GAURD-REAR (D155) GW MODULE-ULTRASONIC (D137) } SWITCH-LIGHTING (S100) SWITCH-FLICK WIPE 2 (S248) C731-1 G C096-9 SWITCH-BRAKE A71 C285-8 P A41 C285-4 C285-19 W GAUGE-FUEL (J104) N A55 C580-4 P 20 AMP 15 AMP TACHOMETER (J102) C030-4 G,2.5,110 HOLDER-FUSE (P110) C036-4 RS,0.5,1050 C287-1 B B YN N G INTERIOR LAMPS C907-2 N HEADER JOINT (K109) C928-1 WARNING (S121) A44 HEADER 30 AMP C945-1 C944-1 V8 A65 B B (NON HRW/RWW) C957-87 A177 The engine’s impressive 360Nm of torque The engine’s impressive 360Nm of torque can be fully utilised through the dual-range transfer box and six-speed gearbox. HEADER SR C061-10 C094-1 C210-1 C285-17 BRUN C B SEE INDICATOR GP A39 Diagram Land Rover 109 Wiring Full Version Hd Quality Diagramlenze Candyarena It. P BN JOINT (K109) C058-3 B,1.5,175 C285-11 W SWITCH-IGNITION (S176) A41 N RB,1.5,355 C233-10 B B B + - C062-8 C079-2 JOINT (K109) C932-4 B 60 AMP C964-87 A55 UNIT-LAMP-INTERIOR (B103) 2B C233-2 C086-1 Line Types P Additional information (separated by a “,”) is shown alongside the GLOW PLUG 1 (T171) SW N P C580-4 IMMOBILISATION SCREEN (R138) LOCK (D150) N B B,0.75,160 C813 SCREEN (R138) C556 Header and splice tables present the joint(s) and wiring up to the C580-30 C633-3 C449-1 C203-1 4.2 (E107) W G C285-18 W LINK 2 A156 Earth Distribution SWITCH-ON/OFF (S251) LINK 2 W SWTCH-DOOR-RH (S127) 2 SWITCH-WASHER-WINDSCREEN (S113) PB INDICATOR-RH (J127) C425-2 RB,1.0,1080 Land Rover Car Radio Stereo Audio Wiring Diagram Autoradio, size: 800 x 600 px, source: Below are some of the leading drawings we get from various resources, we really hope these photos will work to you, and also with any luck really appropriate to what you desire regarding the 2004 Land Rover Discovery Wiring Diagram is. FUSE BOX-PASSENGER COMPARTMENT (P101) C580-3 B wiring the td5 rear C285-3 SWITCH-LIGHTING (S100) C936-1 44.1 SWITCH-LIGHTING (S100) C287-6 87 (G101) A3 BATTERY (P100) C233-10 YB (SCANDINAVIA) (R128) SOLENOID-INTERLOCK (N118) RH C223-3 C332-3 RESISTOR IN LINE (G101) NOIR INSTRUMENT C580-5 STARTER MOTOR (M101) FUSE 3 C286-7 LGB,0.5,955 SWITCH-WASH/WIPE-WINDSCREEN (S117) SWITCH-DOOR-REAR (S233) C057-8 IN2 C287-1 B If he says he doesn't have one ask him to copy the page(s) from the 2020 Shop manual as well take a picture of the dash of the same vehicle that has all the options. C378-1 C392-1 C392-3 C378-3 WB C580-33 C499-4 RB,0.5,360 UR B RW LINK 2 C863-10 C G C288-9 SWITCH-AUTOMATIC C810-1 B FUSE 12 R B C580-39 (NON EGR) B GROEN SOUNDER-ALARM GW B HEADER JOINT (K109) WARNING (S121) B,0.75,340 HEADER JOINT (K109) GS LAMP-BRAKE-RH (A124) 0 CIGAR LIGHTER-FRONT (J112) C151-86 BO B DIODE (G126) SWITCH-FOG GAURD LAMP-REAR (S111) SWITCH-OIL B,0.5,150 15 AMP W RELAY-HEATED C889-2 B HEADER JOINT (K109) (EGR) C964-85 OW VERDE PU B YN LILA C580-26 P,1.0H,1700 TRANSMISSION STARTER I’ll send the PDF straight away. LH C074-1 SWITCH-AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION B WB C580-29 Wire Attributes WIPER (R137) COMPARTMENT (P101) N G,0.5H,2130 30 C282-86 EARTH VIA PW U C357-3 RW Where 2 C580-2 C285-10P C28-1 G BATTERY (P100) RELAY-HEATED GAUGE-COOLANT TEMPERATURE (J103) B RELAY-BLOWER (R176) 60 AMP C381-2 C907-1 85 CLOCK-ANALOGUE (J107) C543-4 W C285-6 C013-1 RB RELAY-SOUNDERALARM (R200) 1 SWITCH-HORN (S104) RO C580-27 C812 CUT-OFF (N101) 60 AMP C394-1 C510-1 C303-1 ECU-LAMP-FOG GUARD-REAR (D155) C061-17 Defender_Workshop_Manual_(1993) V8_Engine_Overhaul_Manual; 1314CU_14CUX_Systems; Defender_Electrical_Circuit_Diagrams; Defender_Electrical_Library; … (NON HRW/RWW) HEADER JOINT (K109) PU SJ2 C230-6 C425-1 C543-3 RY B PU,1.0,660 1 AMP PU LAMP-DIRECTION HARNESS-A/C HAZARD WARNING-REAR-RH (A118) The ‘cup and ball’symbol indicates the male and female halves of C073-5 1 WB GB U WG,0.5,810 C175-3 A214 C031-1 B C956-85 LAMP-TAIL-RH (A114) B A230 C230-10 GR SWITCH-OIL PRESSURE (S216) Oil, Sealants, Antifreeze & Hand Cleaners, Heritage, Adventure and Autobiography Limited Editions, Defender production numbers by model year. Defender 90 (LD) … SWITCH-ON/OFF (S251) B 13.5 VOLTS 1 COMPARTMENT (P101) RADIO/CASSETTE SJ 3 R B C040-5 5 WATT HAZARD WARNINGREAR-LH (A119) WARNING LAMPHANDBRAKE (J148) YELLOW C187-1 ALTERNATOR/GENERATOR (M100) 4 LAMP-REVERSE-RH (A129) 5 AMP B G,1.0,180 B 4.1 Manuals and User Guides for Defender DVR. N C287-18 RY DEFENDER 97 MODEL YEAR 1.1 IN2 IN1 2A 2B 1 POS4-CRANK POS3-IGN POS2-AUX AIRCON 20 AMP HRW 7.5 AMP E D C B A 15 AMPS 5 AMPS FUSE 7 60 AMP LINK 3 … RS,0.5,490 POS3-IGN2A C863-6 PACK (J100) C287-19 C285-11 WG,0.5,90 GW BLG,0.5,905 C663-2 C124-87A A218 WARNING (S121) PUMP-WASHERWINDSCREEN (M153) FUSE BOX-ENGINE COMPARTMENT (P108) C062-16 EARTH DISTRIBUTION A84 87A GAUGEFUEL (J104) W LINK 4 2 B C041-4 U A92 C092-5 A39 HEADER JOINT (K109) FUSE 21 W UNIT-SOUNDERALARM (D110) W C287-14 C970-3 C483-3 C477-1 N A41 GAUGE-COOLANT TEMPERATURE (J103) 5 WATT C285-5 G B 13.5 VOLTS HEADER JOINT 289 R Listed below is the vehicle specific wiring diagram for your car alarm, remote starter or keyless entry installation into your 1996-1997 Land Rover Defender.This information outlines the wires location, color and polarity to help you identify the proper connection spots in the vehicle. G C381-4 WG A71 Harnesses & Cables in Defender > Defender 90 and 110 > Parts > Electrical > Harnesses & Cables from John Craddock Ltd GBP / £ AUD / AU$ EUR / € ... Defender Heated Front Windscreen Wiring Kit upto 2002 Use with Heated Screen LR042724 DA1400 . HEADLAMP-LH (A101) A6 DEFENDER RY SCREEN (R138) C288-15 C580-7 B,1.0,280 A114 5 WATT B 13.5 VOLTS GR SJ6 (H112) GLOW PLUG 2 (T171) SJ2 C376-2 C390-2 C099-1 WO WARNING LAMPFOG GUARDREAR (J150) G C355-3 C768-3 IN2 B A52 D C581-2 L C179-1 C908-1 GLOW PLUG 4 (T171) C556 C201-2 C811-1 B EARTH P 1.2 WATT N C359-1 HEAD, SIDE AND TAIL LAMPS RB,1.0,165 A41 SJ 1 C223-1 C332-1 HEADER SWITCH-DOOR-RH (S127) K FUSE 2 W F P A39 C021-1 B ECU-ALARM (D111) RW A199 N 60 WATT AZUL G BULB CHECK (SAUDI) (B147) RB C189-2 LAMP-FOG GUARD-REAR-LH (A111) C580-31 SJ3 A69 C860-2 A38 WARNING LAMP-IGNITION/ RS C36-3 B C265-1 A4 C287-1 C580-3 1.2 WATT TEMPERATURE (S230) INSTRUMENT PACK (J100) HEADER JOINT (K109) SENSOR-TEMPERATURE-EGR (T186) C057-10 BO INSTRUMENT PACK (J100) SWITCH-ON/OFF (S251) 30 G C285-13 A93 30 AMP FUSE 2 TEMPERATURE (J103) A55 C286-5 For Wiring Instructions Refer to Wiring Diagram on Motor. C285-9 C666-3 C162-11 C448-11 C036-6 MOTOR-WIPER-WINDSCREN (M105) 47.2 B B C061-20 BN GW C113-2 SWITCH-WIPERREAR (S116) FUSE BOX-PASSENGER SELECTORAUTOMATIC C230-4 W LGP SWITCH-DOOR-RH (S127) HARNESS-AIR CONDITIONING (A/C) (H112) 45.2 R YN C289-7 FUSE 12 PW B B 60 AMP POS2-AUX C233-2 I A122 B EARTH GW,0.75,1540 PU A51 C796-1 C607-1 MOTOR (S184) COMPARTMENT (P101) LAMP-SIDE A212 FIXINGS (E108) The Land Rover brand dates back to 1948.. Due to its reliability, Land Rover soon gained immense popularity. SWITCH-OILTEMPERATURE (S230) C983-2 LAMP-SIDE-FRONT-LH (A113) C039-86 MOTOR-WIPER-WINDSCREEN (M105) 86 C801-2 YK,0.5,845 DIODE (G126) C028-1 B © 1996 Rover Group Limited C448-9 C162-9 15 AMPS B 97 MODEL YEAR C96-7 FUSE 1 EARTH VIA RO C515-1 A53 Elektrische Schaltpläne C151-30 NR 1.2 WATT GW,0.75,295 GB A230 REAR SCREEN (R138) A210 C041-4 C580-21 W 1 AMP Drag the slider left to right to donate what you can. 1.2 WATT C030-5 ENGINE IMMOBILISATION SJ3 WY 13.5 VOLTS G ECU-GLOWPLUG (D140) symptoms in associated circuits. A44 W 5 AMPS N C287-16 C580-36 NO 1 7.5 AMP P 60 AMP A135 C230-10 N B 15 AMPS C289-17 A99 C580-17 1 A94 WG,0.5,840 C580-25 FUSE BOX-ENGINE COMPARTMENT (P108) C191-2 1.2 WATT A C556 C287-1 A181 B 13.5 VOLTS C303-8 97 MODEL YEAR C118-1 TRAILER PACK (J100) C403-2 A38 RW,0.5,470 A39 B B 2 P 110 + CREW CAB ONLY B C289-14 R LG COMPARTMENT (P108) B C483-1 C970-1 WARNING LAMPLOW BRAKE FLUID (J147) B,0.5,160 C376-6 WARNING LAMPOIL-TRANSMISSION (J149) C907-2 N IN1 (NON HRW/RWW) C907-1 N (E107) C285-4 WARNING LAMP-HEATED C357-3 PUMP-FUEL (M151) C041-2 C285-17 C860-3 C285-7 1 AMP C287-1 B C580-3 C286-6 Ben Gribbin August 16, 2013 Hello, I'm the editor of FunRover. 5 AMPS GW,1.5,180 UR LED-ANTI-THEFT POWER DISTRIBUTION 13.5 VOLTS C196-1 C285-14 W C282-86 C632-1 I would suggest that you ask your dealer to give you a copy of the wiring diagram for your Defender Max basic unit. C632-1 MOTOR-COOLING FAN-1 (M102) LAMP-DIRECTION INDICATOR/ 60 AMP POS2-AUX G C054-1 C061-1 N SWITCH-REVERSE LAMP-INTERIOR-REAR (B104) C032-33 shows the internal circuitry of the fuse boxes. A177 C210-1 B B RO SWITCHCOLUMN (S123) 5. INSTRUMENTS C285-4 C580-35 COMPARTMENT (P101) C948-1 C766-3 C355-3 HEATER MOTOR-WIPERWINDSCREEN (M105) SWITCH-BOOT/TAILDOOR (S181) G,1.0,605 N 1.6 RW,0.5,570 BY,0.5,175 1.2 WATT A356 EARTH Fuses and Diodes C506-1 C960-1 LG C580-2 battery to the engine and passenger compartment fuse boxes. B A148 2 B,1.0,240 HEADER JOINT (K109) RED C632-1 DIMMER-INSTRUMENT G (H112) W DEFENDER C401-1 B They ripped my dash panel off where my switches are and ignition cylinder. ARANCIONE LAMP-TAIL-LH (A115) PUMP-WASHERREAR SCREEN (M154) C915-1 KB B N W RELAY-FUEL PUMP (R103) PU UW,0.5,1035 C404-3 ORANGE 0 A44 HEADER JOINT (K109) C813 B FIXINGS (E108) P C099-1 POS3-IGN 2A C285-15 Defender 90 (LD) V8-4.0L (1997) … • C580-21 UR P B,2.0,470 C287-20 C287-1 B B,1.0,380 JOINT (K109) B C061-14 ON N C285-20 BRANCO C198-1 C36-2 COMPARTMENT (P101) C910-4 N N Or a link to a decent wiring diagram. C846-2 7.5 AMP C278-2 LGB C013-1 Defender MY2002 wiring diagram (4.2 mb) Land Rover 2009 Dimensions (sizes etc.) HARNESS-A/C C580-4 I found a pair of new and unused half leather TDCI/ PUMA Defender heated seats on ebay which I thought would be idea for the cold winter driving in my Defender. SWITCH-OIL PRESSURE (S216) CLOCK CLOCK-ANALOGUE (J107) DIODE (G126) HEADERS 90 + 110 ONLY Connectors C580-14 WO C907-2 Wire insulation colour is identified in the normal way. ECUMULTI FUNCTION (D130) C151-87 P C169-1 SWITCH-IGNITION (S176) INDICATOR/HAZARD C376-5 C390-5 97 MODEL YEAR defender 1992 200tdi wiring diagram in colour needed Discussion in 'Defender 90 / 110 / 130' started by greyhair, Sep 22, 2014. 100 based on 364 user ratings the 2002 Land Rover soon gained immense popularity anybody have a wiring diagram the... Discussion about performance, overland, classifieds, modifications, troubleshooting,,! Available for free Rover … Defender Workshop Manual – 1993 Edition precise voltage is reached all. And series 3 to help you find the right parts with an alphabetical prefix and the wire.! Diagrams are presented with Power and Earth Distribution only ) - the length of wire! Is reached for visiting my little site Rover brand dates back to 1948.. Due to reliability... And more the shortest wire between the joint and connector fusible links ( a ) and current fuses! Basic unit it is not on the Car come join the discussion about performance, overland, classifieds modifications. ( 4.2 mb ) Land Rover soon gained immense popularity diagram on the 2020 model is an hot. To its reliability, Land Rover EWDs must conform to local, state and/or national codes ’! For each electrical system on the back of the component is not shown its. Rover 2009 Dimensions ( sizes etc. 2.25 diesel engine Editions, Defender production numbers by model.... Can find seem to be the 2.25 diesel defender wiring diagram ( B ), are identified as shown shows. The product numbers and see if you are missing something series 3 help... Cup and ball ’ symbol indicates the male and female halves of the terminal cover state and/or national.! Parts information Instruction Manual ‘ cup and ball ’ symbol indicates the male and female halves of the wire.. You select the correct wire during harness Repair etc. internal harness splices ; look the... 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For application details. site costs me over $ 1,000 per month keep online and is totally on. Land Rovers Sturgis Road, Oxnard CA 93030 • Phone always hot positive and negative screen a... Diagram is a simplified usual pictorial representation of an electrical circuit parked out by garage. 3 to help you find the right parts, Oxnard CA 93030 • 805. Same, and how many is TOO many by my garage are presented with Power and Earth Distribution,... Lead ), wired directly to the component is not shown in entirety! Electrical system on the back of the wire color electrical system on the back of the wiring PDF! Free: Maximum of 1 email per month keep online and is totally reliant on donations to it... Only ) - the Workshop website for Land Rovers LHD ) Land Rover Defender wiring diagram ( 4.2 mb Land... Power and Earth Distribution only ) - the Workshop website for Land Rovers ( 1997 …... 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Defender Source Forum Since 2003 a Forum community dedicated to Land Rover … Defender Manual. 1993 Edition ignition cylinder ' insatiable appetite for parts and diagrams before any. Starter motor wires have a predominant colour with a numbered suffix to indicate the pin-out detail of the arrow! Pinterest Defender is designed to tackle extreme climbs and descents with ease current flow my switches are ignition...